At a store, 7 cartons of whole milk cost $10.50 and 5 cartons of fat-free milk cost $5.00.

How much would it cost to buy 3 cartons of whole milk and 2 cartons of fat-free milk?

Divide 10.50 by 7 to find the cost of 1 carton whole milk = 1.50 per carton

Divide 5.00 by 5 to find cost of 1 carton fat free milk = 1.00 per carton

3 X 1.50 = $4.50 for whole milk
2X 1.00 = $2.00 for fast free

To calculate the cost of buying 3 cartons of whole milk and 2 cartons of fat-free milk, we need to find the individual cost of each type of milk carton.

First, let's find the cost of one whole milk carton. We know that 7 cartons of whole milk cost $10.50, so we can set up a ratio:

7 cartons / $10.50 = 1 carton / x

Cross-multiplying, we get:

7x = $10.50

Dividing both sides by 7, we can solve for x:

x = $10.50 / 7
x = $1.50

So, one carton of whole milk costs $1.50.

Next, let's find the cost of one fat-free milk carton. We know that 5 cartons of fat-free milk cost $5.00, so again, we can set up a ratio:

5 cartons / $5.00 = 1 carton / y

Cross-multiplying, we get:

5y = $5.00

Dividing both sides by 5, we can solve for y:

y = $5.00 / 5
y = $1.00

So, one carton of fat-free milk costs $1.00.

Now, we can calculate the total cost of buying 3 cartons of whole milk and 2 cartons of fat-free milk:

(3 cartons of whole milk * $1.50 per carton) + (2 cartons of fat-free milk * $1.00 per carton)
= ($4.50) + ($2.00)
= $6.50

Therefore, it would cost $6.50 to buy 3 cartons of whole milk and 2 cartons of fat-free milk.