What kind of analogies would best be used when writing a serious essay on the topic of 21st century governments around the world?

When writing a serious essay on the topic of 21st century governments around the world, incorporating strong and relevant analogies can help clarify complex ideas and make your arguments more persuasive. Here are a few potential analogies that can be used in your essay:

1. "Governments are like operating systems. Just as an operating system is responsible for managing and controlling the functions of a computer, governments are responsible for managing and controlling the functions of a society."

To explore this analogy further, you can delve into how governments set and enforce laws as the "rules" of society, allocate resources like an operating system manages memory and processing power, and maintain stability and harmony.

2. "Global politics is akin to a giant chessboard, where nations and leaders are strategically maneuvering their pieces to gain advantage and protect their interests."

This analogy allows you to discuss the complexities of international relations and the strategic decision-making processes that governments undertake. You can explore how countries interact, form alliances, negotiate treaties, and compete for resources, much like players on a chessboard.

3. "The relationship between citizens and government is akin to a social contract. Just as individuals willingly surrender certain rights and freedoms in exchange for protection and governance, citizens entrust power to the government for the greater good of society."

This analogy delves into the philosophical and sociopolitical aspects of government-citizen dynamics. It helps explore themes like consent, responsibility, and the balance of power between individuals and authorities.

Remember, analogies must be carefully chosen and appropriately connected to the topic. They should aid in illustrating and enhancing your arguments while being respectful to the seriousness of your essay's subject matter.

Think of how a pride of lions functions.

Read carefully ~~> https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-a-lion-pride-130300
There is much here that can be compared to how other societies function; there may even be behavior among lions that can be used in an analogy regarding governments.

Then think of how a pair of eagles functions. Is there anything there that is comparable to any government? Or only to families?

Keep on thinking.