The square root of 76 is between what two numbers?

recall that

8^2 = 64
9^2 = 81

To find the square root of 76, we will use estimation.

First, let's find two perfect square numbers that 76 is between. The perfect square numbers closest to 76 are 64 (8^2) and 81 (9^2).

Now, let's calculate the square roots of these numbers:

√64 ≈ 8
√81 ≈ 9

Since 76 is between 64 and 81, the square root of 76 is between 8 and 9.

To find the square root of 76 and determine the two numbers it falls between, we can use estimation by taking the square roots of nearby perfect squares.

The perfect squares closest to 76 are 64 (which has a square root of 8) and 81 (which has a square root of 9).

Since the square root of 76 falls between the square roots of 64 and 81, we can conclude that the square root of 76 falls between 8 and 9.

Therefore, the square root of 76 is between 8 and 9.