Why was Henry Ford able to produce an affordable car?

A. He only hired immigrants who would work for low pay.
B. He used cheap parts made overseas.
C. He developed a less expensive method of production.
D. He allowed people to purchase new cars on credit.

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What is a mass production line with interchangeable parts?

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The correct answer is C. Henry Ford was able to produce an affordable car because he developed a less expensive method of production. To arrive at this answer, one must understand the history and innovation behind Ford's automobile production process.

Henry Ford revolutionized the automotive industry with the introduction of the moving assembly line in 1913. This production method involved dividing the manufacturing process into various sequential tasks, with each worker responsible for a specific task. As the product moved along the assembly line, workers completed their assigned tasks, increasing efficiency and decreasing production time.

By implementing this assembly line system, Ford significantly reduced the time it took to produce a car and, subsequently, the cost. This method allowed Ford to produce vehicles at a much faster rate and with lower labor costs. The increased efficiency translated to affordable automobiles that more people could purchase.

While options A and B may have been strategies adopted by some businesses during that time, they were not the reasons behind Ford's ability to produce an affordable car. Ford paid his workers relatively high wages, which allowed them to afford the cars they were producing. Additionally, Ford primarily sourced his parts domestically and aimed to create an all-American product.

Option D is not accurate either. Offering credit for purchasing new cars was introduced by another automotive company, General Motors, under the leadership of Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., not Ford. Ford's focus was primarily on reducing costs through efficient production methods rather than changing the purchasing model.

In summary, the reason Henry Ford was able to produce an affordable car was that he developed a less expensive method of production through the implementation of the moving assembly line. This innovation revolutionized the manufacturing process and allowed Ford to increase production efficiency, lower costs, and offer his automobiles at a more affordable price.