Hi, I have to write tesis statement for a reasearch paper we will later write. For my thesis statement, I have to ask a quesiton about an ethical problem in society(not a yes or no question, and something new, not a common issue) and come up with a NEW solution to the problem. I need help thinking of a thesis statement.

These sites may give you some ideas.


Of course! Coming up with a thought-provoking thesis statement for an ethics research paper can be challenging, but I'm here to help. To generate a unique question and propose a new solution to an ethical problem, follow these steps:

1. Identify an Ethical Problem: Start by exploring various ethical issues in society. Consider current events, social debates, or topics that have received less attention. Choose an issue that genuinely engages your interest and aligns with the scope of your research paper.

2. Construct a Thought-Provoking Question: Craft a question that encourages critical thinking and analysis. Avoid yes-or-no questions as they limit the potential for deeper exploration. Instead, focus on open-ended questions that promote discussion and prompt innovative solutions.

3. Propose a New Solution: Formulate a solution to the ethical problem you have identified. Think creatively and aim to offer a fresh perspective or approach that goes beyond existing solutions or common knowledge. Your proposed solution should be practical, ethical, and supported by research or evidence.

Here's an example of a thesis statement that follows these guidelines:

"Thesis Statement: How can society strike a harmonious balance between privacy rights and the need for public safety in the era of advanced surveillance technologies, by implementing a novel framework that empowers individuals with control over their personal data while preserving the collective security?"

This thesis statement presents an open-ended question about the ethical dilemma concerning privacy and security, and proposes the idea of a novel framework as a potential solution.

Remember, forming a strong thesis statement requires thorough research and critical thinking, so be sure to gather relevant information and analyze different perspectives before finalizing your statement.