Bill and George were each hired in January at the same salary.Bill got two raises of 10%,one in May and the other in October.George received only one raise,in November.if,after George received his raise,he and bill had identical salaries,by what percent was George’s salary raises?

I did the other one. You do this one.

Assuming they started with the same salary, you want

1.1^2 = (1+r)

and then express r as a %

To find the percent by which George's salary was raised, we need to compare his salary before and after the raise.

Let's start by determining Bill's salary increases. We know that Bill received two raises of 10% each, one in May and the other in October.

Let's assume Bill's salary in January is "x".
After the first raise in May, his salary increases by 10% of x, which is 0.1x. So, his salary in May becomes x + 0.1x = 1.1x.

After the second raise in October, his new salary will increase by 10% of 1.1x, which is 0.11x. Therefore, his salary in October becomes 1.1x + 0.11x = 1.21x.

Now, let's find George's salary increase. We know that George received only one raise in November, and after that, he and Bill had identical salaries.

Since George and Bill had the same salary after George's raise, we can equate their salaries:
1.21x = George's salary after the raise.

To find the percent by which George's salary was raised, we need to determine the percentage increase from his initial salary to his salary after the raise.

Let's assume George's salary in January is "y".
Since Bill and George had the same salary after George's raise, we equate their salaries:
1.21x = y + George's raise.

Now, we need to solve for George's raise:
George's raise = 1.21x - y.

To find the percent by which George's salary was raised, we calculate:
Percent raise = (George's raise / y) * 100.

Therefore, the percent by which George's salary was raised is:
Percent raise = ((1.21x - y) / y) * 100.

This equation cannot be further simplified without knowing the exact values of x and y. However, we have established the general formula for finding the percent by which George's salary was raised based on the given information.