Jorge's current hourly wage for working at Denti Smiles is $12.00. Jorge was told that at the beginning of next moth, his new hourly wage will be an increase of 6% of his current hourly wage. What will be Jorge's new hourly wage?

If someone could explain how to do this, that would be great.

6% = 0.06

so, the new amount will be

12.00 + 12.00*0.06 = 12.00*1.06 = 12.72

To calculate Jorge's new hourly wage, we need to find 6% of his current hourly wage and then add it to his current hourly wage.

Step 1: Find 6% of his current hourly wage.
To find 6% of a number, we multiply the number by 0.06 (which is the decimal representation of 6%).

6% of $12.00 = 0.06 * $12.00 = $0.72

Step 2: Add the result from step 1 to Jorge's current hourly wage.
Jorge's new hourly wage will be his current hourly wage plus the 6% increase.

New hourly wage = $12.00 + $0.72 = $12.72

Therefore, Jorge's new hourly wage will be $12.72.