What best defines Manifest Dynasty?

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Does your text discuss this concept? Has your teacher discussed it? What do they say?


Thank you

The term "Manifest Destiny" refers to the belief and ideology that was prevalent in 19th-century America, specifically during the era of westward expansion. It was the notion that it was the divine and inherent right of the United States to expand its territory and influence from coast to coast.

To get a better understanding and definition of this concept, consider the following steps:

1. Research the historical context: To grasp the concept of Manifest Destiny, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the historical events and context that influenced its development. This includes studying the time period of westward expansion in the United States, particularly during the 1800s.

2. Consult reputable sources: Look for scholarly articles, books, or online resources written by historians or experts in American history. These sources will provide in-depth explanations and analysis of the concept, its origins, and its impact on American society and politics.

3. Study primary documents: Primary sources, such as speeches, letters, and political writings from the period, can offer insights into the mindset and intentions of the people who supported Manifest Destiny. Reading these documents will help you understand their perspectives and motivations.

4. Analyze conflicting viewpoints: It is essential to consider different perspectives and opinions on Manifest Destiny. Some viewed it as a noble quest of spreading democracy and civilization, while others criticized it for its detrimental impacts on indigenous peoples and other cultures.

By following these steps, you will be able to obtain a comprehensive understanding of Manifest Destiny and how it shaped American history.