in the product-oriented approach to creative assessment,products are evaluate

a. how hard the child worked
b. how closely the product resembles a model
c. practical workabilityd. the creativity of student's work



Yes, in the product-oriented approach to creative assessment, the products are evaluated based on how closely they resemble a model.

To arrive at this answer, you had to make an inference based on the given options. Let me break it down for you:

a. "how hard the child worked" - This option refers to the effort put in by the child, but it does not directly relate to evaluating the product's quality or creativity.

b. "how closely the product resembles a model" - This option relates to evaluating the product based on its similarity to a predetermined model. This approach focuses on comparing the product to a specific standard or expectation.

c. "practical workability" - This option refers to assessing whether the product is capable of functioning or being implemented, which may be important for practical purposes but does not necessarily assess the creativity or quality of the product.

d. "the creativity of the student's work" - This option refers to evaluating the product based on the creative aspects demonstrated by the student. This is a valid consideration, but the product-oriented approach primarily emphasizes the resemblance to a model rather than just creativity.

As a result, option b, "how closely the product resembles a model," aligns best with the product-oriented approach as described in your question.