It is 76 miles from Waterton to Middleton. It is 87 miles from Middleton to Oak Hill. Driving directly, it is 134 miles from Waterton to Oak Hill. It is 39 miles from Oak Hill to Jackson. If Juan drives from Waterton to Middleton, then from Middleton to Oak Hill, and finally home to Waterton, how many miles does he drive?

is it 297?



To determine the total number of miles that Juan drives, we need to add up the distances between the various destinations. Here's how we can calculate it:

1. From Waterton to Middleton: Given as 76 miles.
2. From Middleton to Oak Hill: Given as 87 miles.
3. From Oak Hill to Waterton: Looking at the distances given, we can see that the direct distance from Oak Hill to Waterton is 134 miles. However, since Juan is driving from Oak Hill to Waterton, we need to subtract the distance from Oak Hill to Jackson (39 miles) from the direct distance. Therefore, Juan will drive 134 - 39 = 95 miles to return home to Waterton.

Now, let's add up the distances:

76 miles (Waterton to Middleton) + 87 miles (Middleton to Oak Hill) + 95 miles (Oak Hill to Waterton) = 258 miles.

Therefore, Juan will drive a total of 258 miles. The answer is not 297; it is 258 miles.

No, the total number of miles Juan would drive is not 297. To calculate the total distance, we need to add up the distances of each segment of his drive.

Juan first drives from Waterton to Middleton, a distance of 76 miles.
Then, he drives from Middleton to Oak Hill, a distance of 87 miles.
Finally, he drives from Oak Hill to Waterton, which is the same distance as from Waterton to Oak Hill, i.e. 134 miles.

To calculate the total distance, we add the distances of these three segments: 76 + 87 + 134 = 297 miles.

Therefore, Juan will drive a total of 297 miles. So your answer is correct.