A student newspaper publishes an editorial supporting the expansion of a campus recreation facility. Which of the following is most likely the intended audience of the editorial?

a. Director of student life
b. Undergraduates
c. Alumni
d. Athletic director

Is D correct

No. Does a newspaper article target one person?

To determine the intended audience of the editorial, we need to analyze the content and context of the editorial itself. Since the editorial is advocating for the expansion of a campus recreation facility, it is likely that the intended audience would be directly affected or have a vested interest in the campus recreation facilities.

Out of the options provided, the most suitable audience for this kind of editorial would be the undergraduate students (option b). Undergraduates are the primary users of campus recreation facilities, and their support and opinions are crucial in determining the feasibility and success of such an expansion.

While other options such as the director of student life (option a), alumni (option c), and the athletic director (option d) might have a role to play in decision-making and funding processes, they are not the primary target audience for the editorial as they may have different priorities or perspectives.

So, in this case, the correct answer is b. Undergraduates.

The intended audience of the editorial supporting the expansion of a campus recreation facility is most likely b. Undergraduates. This is because the editorial is likely written with the purpose of informing and persuading the students currently attending the campus to support the expansion. While the other options may also have an interest in the topic, the undergraduates would be the primary target audience for a student newspaper.