Prove in Fraction if a>b>0, c<0

is there supposed to be a fraction somewhere in there?

how to prove if a>b>0, c<0 equal to ab/c > b^2/c

To prove that "a > b > 0" and "c < 0" in fraction form, we can represent the values as fractions and compare them.

Let's assume that a, b, and c are all rational numbers. We can express them as fractions in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers, and q is not zero.

a > b > 0
c < 0

To prove the above inequalities, we need to show that the fraction representations satisfy the given conditions.

Step 1: Represent a, b, and c as fractions
a = p1/q1
b = p2/q2
c = p3/q3

Step 2: Compare a and b
Since a > b, we have p1/q1 > p2/q2.

Step 3: Compare b and 0
Since b > 0, we have p2/q2 > 0.

Step 4: Compare c and 0
Since c < 0, we have p3/q3 < 0.

By comparing the fractions, we see that the given conditions hold true, and we have successfully proven that "a > b > 0" and "c < 0" in fraction form.