State 2 molecules that get reduced and 2 that get oxidized during photosynthesis. 


I know that NADPH and Glucose are in their reduced form. 

2 molecules that get reduced. Will it be NADP+ because it is gaining 2 electrons and H+ to form NADPH? I'm not sure what else.. 

2 molecules that get oxidized. Will it be NADPH because it is loosing electrons to form NADPH? And water because it is loosing electrons which are carried into photosystem 2 and electron transport all the way to photosystem 1 To NADP+ reductase and etc. 

Please help clarify this. I'm confused

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

Biological energy is frequently stored and released by means of redox reactions. Photosynthesis involves the reduction of carbon dioxide into sugars and the oxidation of water into molecular oxygen. The reverse reaction, respiration, oxidizes sugars to produce carbon dioxide and water. As intermediate steps, the reduced carbon compounds are used to reduce nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to NADH, which then contributes to the creation of a proton gradient, which drives the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and is maintained by the reduction of oxygen. In animal cells, mitochondria perform similar functions.

In photosynthesis, there are several molecules that undergo reduction and oxidation reactions. Let's clarify them:

1. Molecules that get reduced:
- NADP+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) is indeed one molecule that gets reduced. During photosynthesis, NADP+ gains two electrons (e-) and one hydrogen ion (H+) to form NADPH. This reduction process occurs in the light-dependent reactions.
- Another molecule that gets reduced in photosynthesis is FADP+ (flavin adenine dinucleotide phosphate). Similarly to NADP+, FADP+ gains electrons and a hydrogen ion to form FADPH2. However, FADP+ is involved in the cyclic electron flow pathway, and its reduction occurs in the photosystem I (PSI).

2. Molecules that get oxidized:
- Water (H2O) is one of the molecules that gets oxidized during photosynthesis. In the light-dependent reactions, water molecules donate electrons to photosystem II (PSII) to replace the lost electrons in the reaction center chlorophyll. This leads to the formation of oxygen (O2) and protons (H+). Water oxidation provides a continuous supply of electrons for the electron transport chain.
- Another molecule that gets oxidized during photosynthesis is CO2 (carbon dioxide). In the light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle), CO2 is converted into glucose through a series of chemical reactions. This process results in the loss of electrons and hydrogen ions, and the carbon atoms from CO2 are incorporated into glucose.

To summarize:
Reduced molecules: NADP+ (becomes NADPH) and FADP+ (becomes FADPH2).
Oxidized molecules: Water (becomes O2 and H+) and CO2 (converted into glucose).

Remember that these redox reactions occur in different stages and locations within photosynthesis. NADPH is the reduced form of NADP+, and water is the source of electrons in the light-dependent reactions, while CO2 is oxidized in the light-independent reactions.