How do you in text citation for youtude video

For APA guidelines:

For MLA guidelines:

Click on the In-Text Citations: The Basics link in the list at the left. Read carefully and follow directions.

Make sure you know if your teacher wants you to follow MLA or APA guidelines.

Keep all this in mind, too!

You need to have each source of information cited in TWO places:

A. the Works Cited page that is placed after the last page of your paper, and
B. in parentheses in the text of your paper, immediately after the quotation or paraphrase.

For example, this would go on the Works Cited page (with proper indentation for the second and following lines):

Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago, 1903. Project Bartleby. Ed. Steven van Leeuwen. Dec. 1995. Columbia U. 2 Dec. 2009

... and this would go immediately after the quotation or whatever:
(Du Bois)

The information in parentheses in the text needs to be as brief as possible. That's why there's a Works Cited page – for all the details of the listing.

This is not helping with my work cited

You MUST do the Works Cited page first. After that, you'll know what to include in an In-Text Citation.

1. Click on the link I gave you above for MLA guidelines.

2. Click on MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources (Web Publications) in the list on the left.

3. Scroll down and read and follow directions for a You-Tube citation. This is for your Works Cited page!

4. Then follow the directions for In-Text citations, the one called The Basics.

To create an in-text citation for a YouTube video, you would follow a similar format as you would for other online sources. Generally, you would include the author's name (or the username of the person who uploaded the video), the video title (italicized or in quotation marks), the date the video was posted, and a timestamp if necessary. Here's an example:

According to Smith ("Username123"), in his YouTube video "The Importance of Time Management" (2019), he argues that effective time management is crucial in achieving success (0:23-1:05).

To find the necessary information for your citation, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the author's name: Look for the name of the person or organization that uploaded the video. This could be displayed on the video itself, in the video description, or in the channel information on the YouTube page.

2. Locate the video title: Find the title of the video, which is typically displayed on the video itself or in the video description.

3. Note the date of posting: Look for the date the video was uploaded or posted on YouTube. This information can usually be found below the video or in the video description.

4. Include a timestamp, if applicable: If you are citing a specific section of the video, you can add a timestamp to indicate that. Note the start and end times of the specific section you want to reference.

It's important to note that citation styles may vary depending on the formatting guidelines you are following (such as MLA, APA, etc.). Always consult the specific style guide for detailed instructions on how to format your citations appropriately.