which of the following are examples of civil liberties? select all that apply.

A) shooting a person in anger
B) protesting on a busy street
C) speeding in traffic
D) not incriminating yourself in court
E) serving in the army

My answers are B & D

1 a

2 b and c
3 b
4 a
5 b and d
6 b and c

honors u.s. government

1) B - provice
2) B, C - the police, a woman
3) C - search warrants limit... being issued
4) B - right to privacy
5) A - due process
6) A - the right to privacy...
7) B, D - protesting, not incriminating
8) B, C - competent, checks

Yes, B and D.


the answer to 1 should be "provide", i spelled it wrong

Thank you very much

You are very welcome.

To determine which of the options are examples of civil liberties, we need to understand what civil liberties are. Civil liberties are the basic rights and freedoms that individuals enjoy in a society, typically protected by the law or constitution. Let's go through each option to determine if it qualifies as a civil liberty.

A) Shooting a person in anger: This option does not qualify as a civil liberty, as it involves an act of violence, which is prohibited by law and is not considered a protected right.

B) Protesting on a busy street: This option does qualify as a civil liberty. Protesting is a form of expressing one's opinion or dissent, which is protected by the right to freedom of speech and assembly in many democratic societies.

C) Speeding in traffic: This option does not qualify as a civil liberty, as it involves a violation of traffic laws and regulations, which are in place for public safety.

D) Not incriminating yourself in court: This option does qualify as a civil liberty. The right to remain silent and not incriminate oneself is protected under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This right ensures that individuals cannot be compelled to give self-incriminating evidence in court.

E) Serving in the army: This option does not necessarily qualify as a civil liberty. Serving in the army is often seen as a civic duty or obligation rather than a fundamental right or freedom.

Based on the explanations provided, you are correct in selecting options B (protesting on a busy street) and D (not incriminating yourself in court) as examples of civil liberties.