1. How did plantesmals form plants

A. They broke into smaller chunks
B. They collided and stuck together**
C. They cooled and pulled ice together
D. They began to rotate

2. Whats the distance used to define the astronomical unit

A. The average distance across the sun its diameter
B. The average distance from the sun to mercury, the closet plant
C. The average distance from the sun to earth, our home planet***
D. The average distance from the sun to Neptune, the farthest planet

3. Which of the following Statements about features on the sun is true
A. Prominences look dark in regular photographs
B. Solar flares form when prominences connect
C. The number of sunpots on the suns surface is always the same
D. Sunpots can greatly increase solar winds

4. explain why the outer planets did not lose the lighter gases in their atmospheres

I need help!!

I mean but if you need help he technically didnt ask for the answer and if Ms. Sue was here she would most likely send a link and he would find it himself so there was no need for your whole paragraph when you didnt need to say anything.



Anonymous boi is right


True Dat

Thank you, Boi

Anonymous Boi is right for connexus

1. The correct answer is B. Plantesmals, which were small rocky bodies in the early solar system, formed plants through a process called accretion. During this process, plantesmals collided and stuck together, gradually growing larger and forming the foundation for the formation of planets.

2. The correct answer is C. The astronomical unit (AU) is defined as the average distance from the sun to Earth, our home planet. It is commonly used as a unit of measurement for distances within our solar system.

3. The correct statement is A. Prominences, which are large, arching gas structures on the sun's surface, appear dark in regular photographs because they are cooler than the surrounding areas. Solar flares can form when prominences connect, but this is not always the case. The number of sunspots on the sun's surface varies over time and is not constant. Sunspots, however, can greatly influence solar activity and can affect solar winds.

4. The outer planets, also known as gas giants (such as Jupiter and Saturn), did not lose the lighter gases in their atmospheres because their gravity was strong enough to retain these gases. Unlike the inner terrestrial planets, the outer planets formed farther from the sun in the colder parts of the early solar system. As a result, their gravitational pull was stronger, allowing them to retain the lighter gases, such as hydrogen and helium, in their atmospheres.

1 a 2 c

You know it's really a shame that you, along with many others come to this site asking for answers to questions on a quiz. I too did this quiz, but it's better to actually read the articles instead of going to a website and asking. You might be asking why am I here. I come here in my free time and I just happened to come across this. Please learning is really important.