List 12pt 3gal and 16c from least to greatest

change all them to quarts

6qt, 12qt,4 qts
Does that help?


To list the values 12pt (point), 3gal (gallon), and 16c (cup) from least to greatest, we need to convert them to a common unit of measurement.

First, let's convert 3 gallons to cups since both pints and cups are smaller units of volume:

1 gallon = 16 cups

Therefore, 3 gallons is equal to 3 * 16 = 48 cups.

Now, let's compare the values:

12pt (point) is the smallest unit of measurement among the three and remains unchanged.

Next, we have 48 cups (3 gallons), and finally, 16c (cups).

So, arranging the values from least to greatest, we have:

12pt < 48c < 16c