Christian is 3 times as old as Marie. Marie is 12 years younger than Christian. How old is Christian?

Makes no sense. Where did 2c=36 come from?

See second post.

Thank you! Appreciate your help. I needed something that is easy to understand and explain to a 5th grader.

Let c be Christian, and m be Marie. Then:

c=3m and

To determine Christian's age, we can use algebraic equations.

Let's say Christian's age is represented by 'C' and Marie's age is represented by 'M'.

We know that Christian is 3 times as old as Marie, so we can write the equation:

C = 3M

We also know that Marie is 12 years younger than Christian, which gives us another equation:

M = C - 12

We can substitute the value of C from the first equation into the second equation:

M = (3M) - 12

Now, we can solve for M:

M - 3M = -12
-2M = -12
M = -12 / -2
M = 6

So, Marie is 6 years old.

Now, we can substitute M into the first equation to find C:

C = 3(6)
C = 18

Therefore, Christian is 18 years old.