Which of these is a rational number

A.)integer 150
B.)integer 441
C.)integer 200****
D.)integer 250

All integers are rational numbers.

Among the options given, the rational number is C.) integer 200.

To determine which of these options is a rational number, we need to understand what a rational number is.

A rational number is any number that can be written as a fraction, where the numerator and denominator are integers, and the denominator is not zero.

Let's evaluate each option to check if it meets the criteria of a rational number:

A.) Integer 150: Since it is an integer, we can write it as 150/1, making it a fraction with integers as the numerator and denominator. Thus, option A is a rational number.

B.) Integer 441: Like option A, this is an integer and can be written as 441/1, satisfying the criteria of a rational number. Option B is also a rational number.

C.) Integer 200: Following the same logic, 200 can be written as 200/1, making it a rational number. Hence, option C is a rational number as well.

D.) Integer 250: Similar to the previous options, we can write 250 as 250/1, which fulfills the requirements for a rational number. Therefore, option D is a rational number.

In conclusion, all the given options (A, B, C, and D) are rational numbers.