In a recent year,


of all registered doctors were female. If there were

female registered doctors that year, what was the total number of registered doctors?

To find the total number of registered doctors, we can use the following formula:

Total number of registered doctors = (Number of female registered doctors * 100) / Percentage of female registered doctors

Percentage of female registered doctors = 23.3%
Number of female registered doctors = 46,800

Plugging in the values:

Total number of registered doctors = (46,800 * 100) / 23.3 %

Now we can calculate this:

Total number of registered doctors = 200,858.37

Rounding this value to the nearest whole number:

Total number of registered doctors = 200,858

Therefore, the total number of registered doctors in that year was 200,858.

To find the total number of registered doctors, we can use the following formula:

Total number of registered doctors = (Number of female registered doctors / Percentage of female registered doctors) * 100

Given that 23.3% of all registered doctors were female and there were 46,800 female registered doctors, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Total number of registered doctors = (46,800 / 23.3) * 100

Now, let's calculate the total number of registered doctors:

Total number of registered doctors = (46,800 / 0.233) * 100

Total number of registered doctors = 201,288.7

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the total number of registered doctors is 201,289. Therefore, the total number of registered doctors that year was approximately 201,289.

Let n be the total amount of registered doctors that year. Then:

n=46800/0.233=200858.37 doctors registered (rounds down to 200,858)