Last spring Steve joined a health club. The club charges a one-time enrollment fee of $150.00 plus a $25.00 monthly fee. Let n represent the number of months Steve pays for membership.

Which of the following best represents the domain of the situation?

You haven't added any of 'the following' for the question.

However, if you're asking for the domain of 'n', this refers to all the possible values 'n' can have.

n is the number of months.
n cannot be negative
n cannot have a decimal point

Hence, n must be a whole number, and its domain is the set of all whole numbers.

The domain in this situation represents the possible values that the variable "n" can take. In this case, "n" represents the number of months Steve pays for membership.

Since Steve cannot pay for a negative or fractional number of months, the domain of "n" would be the set of positive integers starting from 1 and going indefinitely.

So, the best representation of the domain in this situation would be:

n ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, ...}