What is cloud computing?


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Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services, such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and analytics, over the internet. Instead of hosting and managing these resources locally, cloud computing allows individuals and organizations to access and utilize these services from remote servers hosted in data centers.

To understand the concept of cloud computing, you can break it down into three fundamental aspects:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This involves the provision of virtualized computing resources over the internet. Users can rent virtual machines, storage, and networks on a pay-as-you-go basis, allowing them to scale their resources up or down as needed.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): In this model, cloud providers offer a platform where developers can build, deploy, and manage applications without worrying about underlying infrastructure. PaaS provides an environment with pre-configured software and tools to streamline the development process.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS): With SaaS, users can access and use software applications over the internet. Instead of installing and maintaining software on individual devices, users can simply access the software through a web browser. Examples of SaaS include email services, online productivity suites, and customer relationship management platforms.

Cloud computing has numerous benefits, including flexibility, scalability, cost-efficiency, and improved collaboration. It eliminates the need to invest in expensive infrastructure and allows users to focus on their core business activities.

To learn more about cloud computing, you can explore online resources, read books on the subject, or enroll in online courses that provide in-depth knowledge and practical examples.

programs run and data are stored on remote computers, rather than in your workstation.

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