If someone knows the context in which Edvard Munch’s The Scream was created, that person can conclude the artist was full of angst. What was Munch anxious about?

the middle class

German Expressionism


modern life


Writeacher answered you Friday. Why did you ignore her and post this again?


It was wrong


It was wrong

D is correct.

To determine what Edvard Munch was anxious about when creating "The Scream," we need to consider the context in which the artwork was created.

"The Scream" is often associated with the period of German Expressionism, which emerged in early 20th century Germany. German Expressionism was characterized by introspective and emotionally expressive art, often reflecting anxieties and concerns of the time.

Additionally, Munch was known for his deep introspection and exploration of existential themes, including his own personal struggles with anxiety, illness, and death. His works often depicted inner psychological turmoil and the isolation of the individual in a fast-paced, modern world.

So, considering the context of German Expressionism and Munch's personal struggles, we can conclude that Munch's anxiety and concerns depicted in "The Scream" are associated with modern life and the impact it had on the individual, rather than specifically being anxious about the middle class or abstraction. Therefore, the correct answer is "modern life."