Visualize an electrical circuit with two relay components connected in series. Each relay component has a cylindrical shape with metallic aspects. They are both labeled as '20 ohms' and '0.16 henry' to represent their resistance and inductance respectively, but make sure to make these labels invisible. Additional elements such as wires and electrical connections can be present to give the image a more detailed look.

Two relays each with 20 ohms resistance and 0.16 henry inductance are connected in series. What is the equivalent impedance?


F = 60 Hz (selected).
R = 20+20 = 40 Ohms.
L = 0.16+0.16 = 0.32 henry.

Z = R + jXl = R + jWL.
Z = 40 + j377*0.32,
Z = 40 + j120.64 = 127.1 Ohms.

Note: W = 2pi*F = 377 at 60Hz.

Would't frequency matter?

No frequency given


so not knowing f, equivalent impedance is difficult to put a number on.

What if the frequency is 30hertz?

Where did u get the 40 in the impedance?

if f=30, put that in, calculate Z. You can write it in polar form, if you are familiar with that.

The real part 40 represents two 20 ohm resistors.

I don't know how to get

Rectangular form

Z = 40 + j120.64 = 127.1 Ohms[71.6o].

Tan A = 120.64/40 = 3.016,
A = 71.6o.