This website show the graph just copy and paste

Translate triangle ABC 3 units right and 2 units down.

We don't need the website.

translation 3 units right and 2 units down follows the following rule:
So we will need to take the coordinates of A, B and C, and transform each point according to the rule given above.

For example, if P(2,5), then P'(2+3,5-2)=P'(5,3)

i don't see the website

And the answer is???

To translate triangle ABC 3 units to the right and 2 units down, you need to apply the same translation to each vertex of the triangle.

Let's start with the coordinates of triangle ABC:

A = (-4, -2)
B = (0, -2)
C = (1, -1)

To translate it 3 units to the right, you add 3 to the x-coordinates of each vertex:

A' = (-4 + 3, -2) = (-1, -2)
B' = (0 + 3, -2) = (3, -2)
C' = (1 + 3, -1) = (4, -1)

Then, to translate it 2 units down, you subtract 2 from the y-coordinates of each new vertex:

A'' = (-1, -2 - 2) = (-1, -4)
B'' = (3, -2 - 2) = (3, -4)
C'' = (4, -1 - 2) = (4, -3)

So, the translated triangle is:
A'' = (-1, -4)
B'' = (3, -4)
C'' = (4, -3)

Therefore, the correct answer is option A, which is (-1, -4).

the site needs to approve before they show it