Who would support democracy based on the Old Oligarch?

A. The poor and the common people
B. Thee high-born and wealthy
C. Everyone in Athens
D. The non-Greek speaking people or Barbarians

What do you think the Old Oligarch means when referring to the best and worst people?

A. The best are the poor, the worst are the wealthy elite.
B. The best are the Greeks, the worst are the Barbarians.
C. The best are the wealthy elite, the worst are the poor.
D. The best are the Barbarians, the worst are the Greeks.

Someone here will be able to check your answers once you post what YOU THINK.

Either for the first question, I think it would be A or B.

For the second question. I think it has to be either A or C...

Any thoughts?

I studied all this long ago, so yes, I know the answers.

Please read and re-read your text so you are not guessing between two answers for each question.

Fine. I strongly believe 1 is B and 2 is A.

Yes, 1 is B.

You’ll need to rethink 2.

Is it C?


I think so, yes.

It gets confusing because whoever this “Old Oligarch” was, thinks the common people should have more say in running Athens, he admits that the elite know what they’re doing.

Alright. I'll give it go. Thank you very much.

You’re welcome.

For the first question, to determine who would support democracy based on the Old Oligarch, we need to analyze the text and understand its context. The Old Oligarch is a pseudonymous Athenian author who wrote a work known as "Constitution of the Athenians" during the 5th century BCE. In this work, the author expresses a negative view towards democracy and argues in favor of an oligarchic regime.

So, based on the Old Oligarch's perspective, the answer to the first question would be B. The high-born and wealthy. The Old Oligarch believed that democracy served the interests of the poor and common people, while the wealthy elite tended to support an oligarchic system.

Now, moving on to the second question regarding the meaning of the best and worst people according to the Old Oligarch. Again, we need to analyze the text and context to understand the author's intent.

In the Old Oligarch's work, the best and worst people refer to different groups based on their social status. According to the Old Oligarch, the best people are the wealthy elite, as they possess the knowledge, resources, and ability to govern effectively. On the other hand, the worst people, in the Old Oligarch's view, are the poor and common citizens who lack the qualities necessary for good governance.

Therefore, the answer to the second question is C. The best are the wealthy elite, and the worst are the poor. The Old Oligarch believed that democracy led to the empowerment of the worst people and undermined the rule of the best.