ABCDE is a Pentagon . AB\\CD, angle A, angle E ,angle D are in ratio 4:2:3.Find angle A ,Angle E and Angle D

since AB∥BC, angles B&C are supplementary. So, since the sum of all 5 angles id 3*180=540, angles A+E+D = 360

Now you have

4x+2x+3x = 180

find x, then you have the angles.


To find the measures of angles A, E, and D in the pentagon ABCDE, we need to use the given ratio of 4:2:3.

Step 1: Determine the total sum of the ratio parts.
The total sum of the ratio parts is 4 + 2 + 3 = 9.

Step 2: Calculate the value of each part.
To find the value of each part, divide the total sum by the corresponding ratio part.
For angle A: (4/9) * 360° = 160°
For angle E: (2/9) * 360° = 80°
For angle D: (3/9) * 360° = 120°

Therefore, angle A measures 160°, angle E measures 80°, and angle D measures 120°.