Find 6 quotes from the book What Went Wrong By Bernard Lewis and explain their significance. Please help! Having trouble finding significant quotes

I don't have the book.

Neither do I. What is the book about? What points does the author make to support his idea that something went wrong? Those are the places you'll find "significant" quotations.

@ MS SUE: okay? Then why comment. neither do I. I was hoping someone might have read it or could find some links online to help. That’s the whole point of this website.

@ REED: I don’t have it either unfortunately. The main idea of the book is that throughout recent history, specifically beginning with the failure of the second Ottoman siege of Vienna in 1683, the Islamic world has failed to adapt or to maintain pace with the Western world. Resulting in failure that has been displayed to many within the Islamic world as having acknowledged Western powers to achieve a devastating position of dominance over those regions. Lewis examines the sorrowful response of the Islamic world as it attempted to comprehend how they had been overruled and dominated by the West. He portrays how a culture in commotion prioritizes their attention on comprehending European defense systems, leadership, schooling and culture. He likewise depicts how some Middle Easterners affixed fault on a progression of victims, while others asked where did we go wrong. I WAS HOPING SOMEONE COULD HELP DIRECT ME TO SOME QUOTES OR ONLINE LINK. Thank you!

To find significant quotes from the book "What Went Wrong" by Bernard Lewis, follow these steps:

1. Begin by accessing the book itself. You can do this by purchasing a physical copy or accessing an electronic version of the book.

2. Once you have the book, start reading it thoroughly. While doing so, consider the main themes, arguments, and ideas presented by the author. These will guide you in identifying relevant quotes.

3. As you read, pay attention to parts that resonate with you or capture the essence of the author's perspective. Quotes that provide insights into the author's analysis, events, or historical context are generally considered significant.

4. Make notes of the page numbers and quotes that stand out. It's important to record the exact wording and page number for proper referencing later.

5. To help you get started, here are six significant quotes from "What Went Wrong" by Bernard Lewis, along with their explanations:

Quote 1:
"Understanding jihad requires both knowledge about Islamic history and the ability to read ancient texts in Arabic, looking for Islamic keywords such as struggle, martyrdom, and lesser jihad." (p. XX)

This quote highlights the importance of historical knowledge and linguistic skills to comprehend the concept of jihad, shedding light on the complexity of understanding Islamic terms and their context in relation to the book's analysis.

Quote 2:
"The end of the last major war among Muslims did not bring peace; it marked the final drying up of the already meager springs of Islamic creativity and of the Islamic contribution to civilization." (p. 9)

This quote emphasizes the author's perspective on the decline of Islamic contributions to civilization, suggesting that an internal conflict among Muslims hindered their creative and intellectual progress.

Quote 3:
"The decline and ultimate eclipse of science in the realm of Islam followed the centuries of political and social decline, and reflected a more general decline in intellectual and artistic creativity." (p. 26)

Here, Lewis argues that the decline of science within the Islamic world was part of a broader decline in various aspects of intellectual and artistic creativity, indicating a correlation between political, social, and cultural factors.

Quote 4:
"The great and unique achievement of the West was to escape from poverty and bring about material abundance on an unprecedented scale, and for that reason it has been universally acclaimed." (p. 61)

In this quote, the author praises the West for its ability to escape poverty and achieve unprecedented material abundance, suggesting that this achievement has gained global recognition.

Quote 5:
"For a very long time, the Islamic world was in the vanguard of human civilization in virtually every field of endeavor. And then something took place, and the Islamic world fell behind. This constitutes the central problem studied in this book." (p. 104)

The quote highlights the shift from Islamic civilization being at the forefront of advancement to falling behind, setting up the central problem addressed in the book and emphasizing the need to understand its causes.

Quote 6:
"An ideology of hate has been developed in response to these challenges, and the roots of this ideology may be traced back in time and, in the contemporary Islamic world, may still be seen and heard." (p. 161)

This quote refers to the development of an ideology of hate as a response to challenges faced by the Islamic world, drawing attention to the historical and contemporary manifestations of this ideology.

Remember, when explaining the quotes' significance, it is crucial to tie them back to the book's overall themes and arguments and provide analysis based on your understanding of the text.