A 2200. Kg vehicle is traveling at 26 m/s what is the force needed to stop it in 21 seconds?

change in velocity = 0 -26 = -26m/s

change in time = 21s

a = change in velocity/change in time
= -26/21

F = m a = 2200 (-26/21) Newtons

V = Vo + a*t = 0.

26 + a*21 = 0,
a = -1.24 m/s^2.

F = M*a = 2200 * (-1.24)

post it.

To calculate the force needed to stop a vehicle, you need to use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force (F) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by acceleration (a). In this case, acceleration is the change in velocity over time, which can be calculated using the initial velocity (v₀), final velocity (v), and time (t) as follows:

a = (v - v₀) / t

Given that the vehicle's mass (m) is 2200 kg, the initial velocity (v₀) is 26 m/s, the final velocity (v) is 0 m/s (since the vehicle needs to come to a stop), and the time (t) is 21 seconds, we can calculate the acceleration:

a = (0 - 26) / 21 = -26 / 21 ≈ -1.238 m/s²

Note that the negative sign indicates that the vehicle is decelerating.

Now, we can use Newton's second law to find the force required to stop the vehicle:

F = m * a

F = 2200 kg * (-1.238 m/s²) ≈ -2723.6 N

Therefore, the force needed to stop the vehicle is approximately 2723.6 Newtons (N).