22 dramas, the text of all romances, the nerve-stuff of all sensations was whirling about him like the

23 snowflakes.
Lines 22–23 offers an example of (1 point)
personification.<------- ??

Yea personification

People aren't snowflakes.

No, ms suzie -- you are wrong.

Oh sorry

Thank you Ms. Sue.

You're welcome, Haley.

To determine the literary device used in lines 22-23, we need to understand the definitions and characteristics of the options provided: allusion, alliteration, simile, and personification.

1. Allusion: Allusion is a figure of speech that references a person, place, event, or work of literature. It often requires the reader's prior knowledge to fully understand the intended reference.

2. Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds, particularly at the beginning of words or stressed syllables. It is used for rhythmic or poetic effects.

3. Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as" to highlight their similarities.

4. Personification: Personification is a literary device that attributes human characteristics or qualities to non-human entities or objects.

In the given passage, the phrase "the nerve-stuff of all sensations was whirling about him like the snowflakes" is comparing the nerve-stuff to the snowflakes using the word "like," indicating a similarity between the two. This indicates that a simile is being used here.

Therefore, the correct answer is "simile."