In which sea battle was Mark Antony defeated by Octavian in 31 BC?

What does your text say?

What are your answer choices?

There is no text... I stayed home yesterday and my teacher just gave me this paper.

Ok try copy and pasting your question into google and you will have your answer.

Battle of Actium

Battle of Philippi
Battle of Alesia
Caesar's Civil War

Ok, try googling Mark Antony, or like Evalyn Carver said, copy and paste your question into google.


Ashley, you have not been given ANY text assignments to read? I don't believe that. This will give you the information you need, but you will have to read it.

Yes, Its was the Battle of Actium. Next time though I suggest asking your teacher for the text materials is they do not give them to you.

The sea battle you are referring to is called the Battle of Actium. It took place in 31 BC between the forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra on one side, and Octavian (who later became Emperor Augustus) on the other side.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by using search engines like Google or Bing. Simply type in the keywords "Mark Antony defeated by Octavian" or "Battle of Actium" and you will quickly find reliable sources such as history books, academic articles, or reputable websites.

When conducting online research, it's important to critically evaluate the information you find. Look for multiple sources to provide a well-rounded understanding of the topic, and consider the credibility and expertise of the sources you encounter.

Additionally, if you prefer to access physical resources, you can consult history textbooks, visit your local library, or seek guidance from history professors or experts. They will be able to provide you with accurate and detailed information about the Battle of Actium and other historical events.