Hi can some one please help me simplify the expression and solve the equation.

v^2+6v+8/v^2+v-12 divided by v+2/2v-6

thank you.

v^2+6v+8 = (v+2)(v+4)

v^2+v-12 = (v-3)(v+4)
dividing that gives (v+2)/(v-3)

The final division gives

(v+2)/(v-3) * 2(v-3)/(v+2) = 2

There is no equation, just the expression

[(v+2)(v+4)][2(v-3)] /[(v+2)(v-3)(v+4)]

a lot of stuff is the same top and bottom
2 is left up top
1 is left down below :)


To simplify the expression and solve the equation, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplifying the expression

First, let's simplify the numerator of the expression v^2 + 6v + 8 / v^2 + v - 12.

The numerator can be factored as (v + 2)(v + 4). This can be done by finding two numbers whose sum is 6 (the coefficient of v) and whose product is 8. In this case, 2 and 4 satisfy these conditions.

Now, the expression becomes [(v + 2)(v + 4)] / v^2 + v - 12

Next, let's simplify the denominator, which is v + 2 / 2v - 6.

Similarly, the denominator can be factored as (v - 3)(2v - 6), which further simplifies to 2(v - 3).

Now, the expression becomes [(v + 2)(v + 4)] / [v^2 + v - 12] divided by [v + 2 / 2(v - 3)]

Step 2: Division of rational expressions

When dividing rational expressions, we invert the second expression and multiply:

[(v + 2)(v + 4)] / [v^2 + v - 12] * [2(v - 3)] / [v + 2]

Step 3: Simplify further

Now, we can simplify the expression by canceling out common factors:

[(v + 2)(v + 4)] / [v^2 + v - 12] * [2(v - 3)] / [v + 2] = (v + 4) * 2(v - 3) / (v^2 + v - 12) * (v + 2)

Step 4: Expand and simplify

To simplify further, let's expand and cancel out common factors:

2(v + 4)(v - 3) / [(v + 4)(v - 3)] * (v + 2) / (v^2 + v - 12)

The (v + 4) and (v - 3) terms cancel out:

2(v - 3) * (v + 2) / (v^2 + v - 12)

Finally, we have:

2(v - 3)(v + 2) / (v^2 + v - 12)

This is the simplified expression.

Please note that I have simplified the given expression based on assumptions about the intended grouping of terms. If there are any parentheses missing, make sure to include them correctly.