What econmic effect did the GREAT WESTERN TRAIL have on the development of Texas?

a. the trail encouraged many cattle drives
b.the trail allowed for cattle to be sold in faraway markets.
c.the trail influenced the sale of barbed wire.
d. the trail helped cowboys be successful at their jobs*******

Was successful cowboys important to the development of Texas?

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What is a cowboy's job? There's a better answer.

Could the answer be B?

Yes, B.

The correct answer is option D, "the trail helped cowboys be successful at their jobs."

To understand how the Great Western Trail had an economic effect on the development of Texas and how it helped cowboys be successful, it is important to understand what the Great Western Trail was.

The Great Western Trail was a significant cattle trail that extended from southern Texas through various states in the Midwest and up to the northern border of Montana. It was primarily used during the late 19th century to drive cattle from Texas to the northern markets.

Here's how the trail helped cowboys be successful at their jobs:

1. Encouraged cattle drives: The Great Western Trail encouraged many cattle drives, as it provided a direct route to transport cattle from Texas to distant markets. Cowboys were responsible for driving and managing the cattle herds along the trail. The increased demand for cattle due to expanding markets meant more work opportunities for cowboys.

2. Extended markets for cattle: By using the Great Western Trail, ranchers and cowboys were able to transport their cattle to faraway markets. This increased the potential for selling their cattle at higher prices, as they had access to larger and more lucrative markets. The ability to reach more markets allowed ranchers and cowboys to maximize their profits.

3. Influenced the sale of barbed wire: While not directly mentioned in the question, it is worth noting that the Great Western Trail played a role in the development and adoption of barbed wire. As more and more cattle were driven along the trail, issues with open range grazing and cattle trespassing arose. The challenges associated with cattle drives and open grazing eventually led to the invention and widespread use of barbed wire fencing, which helped solve these problems.

So, while options A and B are related to the effects of the Great Western Trail on the cattle industry and markets, option C is not specifically mentioned in relation to the trail's economic impact. Option D is the most accurate answer as it highlights the direct effect of the trail on the success of cowboys in their jobs as cattle drivers.