Cross out the prepositional phrase.

1.By the 22nd Century, everyone could be wearing paper clothing. Also, in the future, people might take food pills instead of eating meals.

2. The repairs on our van were going to take around five weeks The insurance company would not provide a loner vehicle for that length of time.

3. Walking into the dusty, moldy attic room , Lori began to sneeze violently. After just five minutes, her allergies forced her to leave

4. With ice encrusting their leaves, daffodils are poking through the unexpected snow The unusually cold springtime weather caught both flowers and people off guard.

5 Old fashioned locomotives seem romantic to us today. But their clouds of black coal smoke damaged the environment.

1. (By the 22nd century) (in the future) (instead of eating meals)

2. (on our van) (around five weeks) (for that length of time)

3. (into the dusty, moldy attic room) (After just five minutes)

4. (through the unexpected snow) (off guard)

5. (to us) (of black coal smoke)

4. There's one more prepositional phrase.

Everything else is correct! You are doing great!

4. (With ice encrusting)

Yes. With ice encrusting their leaves.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help

You are very welcome.

To cross out the prepositional phrases in each sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the prepositional phrases - these are phrases that begin with a preposition (such as "by," "in," "with," "through," etc.) and function as adjectives or adverbs.
2. Determine which phrases are prepositional phrases - they provide additional information about the nouns or pronouns in the sentence.
3. Cross out the prepositional phrases, leaving the remaining parts of the sentence intact.

Let's go through each sentence and cross out the prepositional phrases:

1. By the 22nd Century, everyone could be wearing paper clothing. Also, in the future, people might take food pills instead of eating meals.
Answer: By the 22nd Century, everyone could be wearing paper clothing. Also, in the future, people might take food pills instead of eating meals.

2. The repairs on our van were going to take around five weeks. The insurance company would not provide a loner vehicle for that length of time.
Answer: The repairs on our van were going to take around five weeks. The insurance company would not provide a loner vehicle for that length of time.

3. Walking into the dusty, moldy attic room, Lori began to sneeze violently. After just five minutes, her allergies forced her to leave.
Answer: Walking into the dusty, moldy attic room, Lori began to sneeze violently. After just five minutes, her allergies forced her to leave.

4. With ice encrusting their leaves, daffodils are poking through the unexpected snow. The unusually cold springtime weather caught both flowers and people off guard.
Answer: With ice encrusting their leaves, daffodils are poking through the unexpected snow. The unusually cold springtime weather caught both flowers and people off guard.

5. Old-fashioned locomotives seem romantic to us today. But their clouds of black coal smoke damaged the environment.
Answer: Old-fashioned locomotives seem romantic to us today. But their clouds of black coal smoke damaged the environment.

As you can see, the prepositional phrases have been crossed out, leaving the remaining parts of the sentences intact.