The current atomic model would be revised if _______. :(

I wIsH yOu AlL wOuLd StOp ChEaTiNg UgHh


I hate comments like this- if we dont understand the material we come here, its not like its our fault if someone puts all the answers to the quick check/tests/quiz/etc Like honestly, i ask myself this question and you should too "" Why are YOU on here if you're not cheating yourself ""
I think they come on here to pick on children (Cyber bullying) It really pisses me off why people do that.. Anyway sorry for the rant haha

New Information was discovered. Youre welcome :)

The current atomic model would be revised if new experimental evidence or breakthroughs in scientific understanding challenge the existing model or if it fails to explain observed phenomena accurately. This revision process has happened several times throughout the history of atomic theory as scientists discover new information and refine their understanding.

To determine if the current atomic model needs revision, scientists use a combination of experimental techniques and theoretical calculations. They perform experiments to investigate the behavior of atoms under various conditions and analyze the results to check how well they align with the predictions of the current model. If there are discrepancies between the model's predictions and experimental data, it may indicate that a revision is necessary.

Additionally, scientists work to develop and refine theoretical models that describe atomic behavior. These models often involve computational simulations and mathematical equations, which help to understand the characteristics and interactions of atoms.

If experimental evidence consistently contradicts the predictions of the current model, or if a new theoretical model provides a more comprehensive and accurate explanation of atomic behavior, scientists may propose revisions to the atomic model. These revisions are then subject to further experimentation and scrutiny before being accepted by the scientific community.

In summary, the atomic model would be revised if new experimental evidence challenges current predictions or if a new theoretical model offers a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of atomic behavior.

a new element was found that did not fit?