Name a pair of complementary angles.

 (1 point)
A)1 and 4

B) 1 and 2

C )3 and 4

D )1 and 6

My Answer B

Having discovered that we have several different schools with similar tests, I suggest that you compare the answers I have with your tests answers to make sure they match.

For Connections Academy, 8th Grade Math B, Lesson 10, Geometry Unit test
1. B angles 1 and 2
2. B 43
3. B 40
4. D 3 and 5
5. B 75
6. B XYZ
7. A ZX
8 A 0, -3
9 C acute, right, and obtuse
10 A equilateral and acute
11 B square, rectangle
12 C 360
13. C 100
14. C 169
15. A 27.225
16. C 143
17. D 56.25
18. D clockwise 90 degree rotation: enlargement
19 is an essay question that we haven't gotten graded yet.

For 2019 these are the correct answers.

This guy is so wrong only the first 2 question were correct

I'm just trying to past algebra man-

So who do I trust helper or heyshishtars

2019 lesson 10 Unit test part 1 is what we need. 8th Grade

Dont listen to these people there all wrong here are my answers I got 4 wrong tho I wont put those up

3 if m<1=40, what is m<5?( 1 point)
●A 50°
○B 40°
○C 35°
○D 26°
4 Name a pair of same-side interior angles
○ <1and <6
○ <1and <8
○ <2and <6
● <3and <5
5 If m<4 = 25° , then what is m<8?
○ 105°
○ 75°
○ 175°
● 25°
6 <ABC is congruent to which angles?
○ <ZYX
○ < XYZ
● < XZY
○ < YXZ
7 Side CA is congruent to which side?
8 Translate triangle ABC 2 units left and 3 units up.
What are the quardnets for point A

Dude really why is none of the questions up here right

Helper is correct

I think everyone's is different

Geometry Unit Test Part 1 (Unit 8 Lesson 10 - Algebra Readiness {Pre-Algebra} A) 8th Grade 2022 (Texas Connections Academy)

I have scrambled the questions up, so just look through to find which question is yours and the answer. This test is a 19 question test with an essay at the bottom which you can do yourself.

1. Name a pair of complementary angles.
A- 1 and 4
B- 1 and 2****
C- 3 and 4
D- 1 and 6

2. If m1=37, what is m4?
A- 53
B- 43
C- 37****
D- 27

7. Side CA is congruent to which side?
A- ZX****

6. ACB is congruent to which angle?
C- XZY****

5. If m4=75, then what is m8?
A- 105
B- 75****
C- 175
D- 25

3. If m1=50, what is m5?
A- 50
B- 40****
C- 35
D- 25

4. Name a pair of alternate interior angles.
A- 3 and 4
B- 1 and 6
C- 3 and 6****
D- 5 and 6

10. Classify the triangle by side length and angle measurements.
A- Equilateral, Acute****
B- Isosceles, Obtuse
C- Isosceles, Acute
D- Scalene, Obtuse

8. Translate triangle ABC 2 unites left and 3 units up.
A- (-5,3)
B- (-4,4)****
C- (-4,-2)
D- (0,4)

9. Which is not appropriate classification for a triangle?
A- right equilateral****
B- acute scalene
C- obtuse isosceles
D-right scalene

12. What is the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon?
A- 180

11. Name the quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
A- kite
B- parallelogram
C- rhombus
D- trapezoid****

13. What is the value of the missing angle?
A- 80****
B- 90
C- 170
D- 260

14. What is the value of the missing angle?
A- 129
B- 153
C- 169****
D- 720

16. What is the area of the parallelogram?
A- 47.5 in^2
B- 95 in^2****
C- 115.25 in^2
D- 190 in^2

18. Identify a sequence of transformations that maps triangle ABC onto triangle A"B"C" in the image below.
A- clockwise 90 rotation; enlargement
B- counterclockwise 90 rotation; reduction
C- counterclockwise 90 rotation; enlargement****
D- clockwise 90 rotation; reduction

15. What is the area of the triangle?
A- 27.225ft^2****
B- 54.45ft^2
C- 30.25ft^2
D- 15.4ft^2

17. What is the area of the trapezoid?
A- 115.5mm^2
B- 77mm^2
C- 57.75mm^2****
D- 38.5mm^2