which physical properties are characteristic of metal

TONY Lopez


1. B

2. A and D
3. B. D. and E.
4. D
5. C. D. and E.
6. A. and B.
7. C.
8. B.
9. B.
10. D

Trust me, I got 100% on the quiz<3


I meant to post this on a different one!!

There are several physical properties that are characteristic of metals. Here are some of the most commonly known ones:

1. Luster: Metals generally have a shiny appearance or a metallic luster. This is due to the presence of free electrons in metals that can easily reflect light.

2. Malleability: Metals can be hammered into thin sheets without breaking, which is known as malleability. The atomic structure of metals allows layers of atoms to slide over each other, enabling them to be easily reshaped.

3. Ductility: Metals can be drawn into thin wires without fracturing, a property called ductility. It arises from the ability of metal atoms to roll and slide over each other under stress, allowing the material to be stretched into a wire.

4. Conductivity: Metals are good conductors of both heat and electricity. This is because metals contain delocalized or "free" electrons that can move easily, carrying heat or electricity through the material.

5. High density: Most metals have high density, meaning they have a substantial weight for their size. This is due to the close packing of metal atoms in their solid state.

6. High melting and boiling points: Metals generally have high melting and boiling points, which means they tend to be solid at room temperature. The strong metallic bonds between atoms require a significant amount of energy to break and change the state from solid to liquid or gas.

To determine whether a material exhibits these property characteristics of metals, one can perform simple observations and tests. For example, you can observe the material's appearance, check if it is shiny, attempt to bend or hammer it, test its ability to conduct heat or electricity, and measure its density using certain techniques. These observations and experiments can help identify whether a material exhibits the physical properties characteristic of metals.