Which of the following best applies to religion in the High Middle Ages?

1. Pilgrimages to holy shrines declined as the practice of indulgences increased
2. The Bible was translated and widely read in the vernacular (every day, spoken) languages
3. The popular interest in saints, relics, and pilgrimages led to the building of great shrines
4. As priests grew better educated, they distributed printed sermons to their people

One of those answers is right. Which one? What does your text say?

I think its 1 but I'm not sure

Nope. Check your text.

To determine which of the given options best applies to religion in the High Middle Ages, we can analyze each statement and evaluate its validity.

1. Pilgrimages to holy shrines declined as the practice of indulgences increased: To verify this statement, we need to understand the concepts of pilgrimages and indulgences in the High Middle Ages. Pilgrimages were journeys undertaken by individuals seeking religious enlightenment or seeking to show devotion by visiting holy sites. Indulgences were pardons granted by the church to reduce or eliminate the punishment for sins. However, during the High Middle Ages, both practices were prevalent, and there is no evidence to suggest that the increase in indulgences led to a decline in pilgrimages. Therefore, option 1 is not the best choice.

2. The Bible was translated and widely read in the vernacular languages: To assess the accuracy of this statement, we need to know if the Bible was indeed translated and, if so, whether it was accessible to the common people in their everyday spoken languages. During the High Middle Ages, there were efforts to translate the Bible into the vernacular languages, such as English, French, German, and Italian. These translations, known as vernacular Bibles, aimed to make the scripture more accessible and understandable for the general population. Consequently, option 2 is a valid statement regarding religion in the High Middle Ages and could be considered the best choice, as it accurately reflects the translation and widespread reading of the Bible.

3. The popular interest in saints, relics, and pilgrimages led to the building of great shrines: To verify this statement, we need to confirm whether there was significant popular interest in saints, relics, and pilgrimages during the High Middle Ages and whether this interest prompted the construction of grand shrines. Indeed, during this period, religious devotion manifested itself through the veneration of saints, relics (objects associated with holy figures), and pilgrimages to holy sites. Cathedrals and other significant religious structures were often constructed to house relics and accommodate the influx of pilgrims. Thus, option 3 accurately reflects the religious practices and architectural developments of the time and can be considered a valid choice.

4. As priests grew better educated, they distributed printed sermons to their people: To assess the accuracy of this statement, we need to determine whether priests in the High Middle Ages became better educated and whether they disseminated printed sermons. Education levels among priests did improve during this period, as universities and monastic schools increased their focus on teaching theology. However, the practice of distributing printed sermons did not exist during the High Middle Ages, as movable type printing only emerged in the mid-15th century, well after this period. Therefore, option 4 is not an accurate representation of religious practices in the High Middle Ages.

In summary, based on the evaluation of each statement, options 2 and 3 are the most accurate descriptions of religion in the High Middle Ages.