Design a flowchart for a program that prompts the user to enter ten numbers one at a time. After the user

has entered all ten number the program will then print out the total of those ten number and quit.

can't draw flowcharts here. However, the logic might look like this:

define n as a 10-number array
sum = 0
ask for number
assign it to n(i)
add it to the sum
increase i
i <= 10?
yes, go back to ask again
no, print the sum

To design a flowchart for the program that prompts the user to enter ten numbers and prints out their total, you can follow these steps:

1. Start: Begin the program.
2. Declare Variables: Declare a variable to hold the total sum and initialize it to 0.
3. Loop Start: Begin a loop that will run ten times.
4. Prompt for Input: Display a prompt asking the user to enter a number.
5. Read Input: Read the number entered by the user.
6. Add to Total: Add the entered number to the total sum variable.
7. Increment Counter: Increment a counter variable by 1.
8. Loop End? Check if the counter variable is equal to 10.
- If Yes: Proceed to Step 9.
- If No: Go back to Step 4 (prompt for the next number).
9. Print Total: Display the total sum of the ten numbers.
10. End: Terminate the program.

Here's a flowchart representation of the program:

|Declare total|
| Initialize 0|
|Loop Start|
|Prompt for|
| Input |
|Read |
| Input |
|Add to |
| Total |
| Counter|
|Loop End? |
|Yes |
|Print |
| Total |
|End |

You can now use this flowchart as a guide to implement the program in your preferred programming language.