1. Atp synthase is an enzyme in the. C


2. Each condon on a(n) ____ molecule encodes for ___ amino acids. B

A. mRNA...one
B. mRNA....three
C. tRNA...three
D. tRNA...one

3. Two molecules of ____ are produced by glycolysis. Each molecule has ____ carbons. C

A. Oxaloacetate...4
B. Citrate...3
C. Pyruvate...3
D. Acetate...4

4. Oxaloacetate combines with acetyl coA at the beginning of. D

A. Electron transport chain
B. Glycolysis
C. Transcription
D. Krebs cycle

5. Which nitrogenous base is not present in ribonucleic acid? D

A. Fuanine
B. Uracil
C. Cytosine
D. Thymine

To get the answer to these questions, you can use your knowledge of the topics or use reliable sources such as textbooks or scientific websites. Here's how you can find the answers:

1. To determine the location of ATP synthase, you need to recall or research its location within the cell. You can do this by searching for the cellular location of ATP synthase in mitochondria. The correct answer is C, MITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE.

2. To determine how many amino acids are encoded by each codon, you need to know which molecule carries the genetic code and the number of nucleotides in a codon. mRNA carries the genetic code, and each codon consists of three nucleotides. Therefore, the correct answer is B, mRNA....three.

3. To determine the number of molecules produced by glycolysis and their carbon content, you need to recall or research the products of glycolysis. By researching the products of glycolysis, you will find that two molecules of Pyruvate are produced, with each molecule having three carbons. Thus, the correct answer is C, Pyruvate...3.

4. To determine what happens when oxaloacetate combines with acetyl CoA, you need to recall or research the process involved. By researching the process, you will find that oxaloacetate combines with acetyl CoA to start the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle. Therefore, the correct answer is D, Krebs cycle.

5. To determine which nitrogenous base is not present in ribonucleic acid (RNA), you need to recall or research the nitrogenous bases found in RNA. By researching the bases, you will find that thymine is not present in RNA, and RNA uses uracil instead of thymine. Thus, the correct answer is D, Thymine.

Remember that it's always helpful to consult reliable sources when seeking accurate information about scientific concepts.