How could I solve this?

Multiple Choice

Classify the triangle according to side length and angle measurement.
A right triangle
A. isosceles; right
B. equilateral; obtuse
C. scalene; acute
D. scalene; right

lesson 4 classifying polygons

answers :
1. d
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. b

heyo is right, thanks bro. 100%

Heyo is right Thank you!!

heyo is right

I assume there's an diagram of 'the triangle' to go with your question.

Since you can't upload the diagram, here's some information that would help:

a) Side lengths - A triangle is
-> Equilateral, if all sides have equal length.
-> Isosceles, if two sides have equal lengths.
-> Scalene, if all sides have different lengths.

b) Angles - A triangle is
-> Acute, if all angles are less than 90°.
-> Right, if one angle is 90°.
-> Obtuse, if one angle is more than 90°.

help? 1. classify the triangle according to side length and angle measurement.

@Heyo is correct! Thank you!!!

Hey guys, Peter Griffin here, and I just wanted to say that if you have 6 questions on this, the answers are


d c b c b is right for connexus 2019 U2 L4

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