Miguel’s math book weighs more than 3.45 kilograms.Which could be the weight of his math book in kilograms?

To determine the possible weight of Miguel's math book in kilograms, we need to find values that are greater than 3.45 kilograms. Since the given statement does not provide a specific weight of the math book, the weight could be any value greater than 3.45 kilograms.

Examples of possible weights for Miguel's math book in kilograms could include: 3.46 kilograms, 4 kilograms, 5.5 kilograms, or even 10 kilograms. In fact, any value greater than 3.45 kilograms would be a plausible weight for his math book.



a. kilograms is not a measure of weight, but of mass. I am very sorry your textbook does not recognize that.

The weight of a mass of 3.45kilograms, on Earth, is 3.45*9.8 Newtons.