The Aztecs adapted to their environment mainly by

using terracing and irrigation
living a nomadic hunter-gather lifestyle
trading peacefully with neighbors ----
Settling along the coasts where they could find fish

How did the Aztec become so powerful?
they allied with the spanish---- i think
they conquered and enslaved many neighboring peoples
they traded with europeans for advanced weapons
they isolated themselves from the other indigenous peoples

Please help me look over my answers, i picked what i thought worked best but i am just not positive, thank you!

look random, some of us dont wanna be on online school and just wanna get it over with. we're tired and sad, and overall want to get out. theres legit no reason to get all upset about it.

what do you mean what does your text say

You were supposed to read something in order to answer this question -- right? What were you supposed to read? What does it say about these questions?

no it was actually my ss homework that i had to do over the weekend. And btw i go to a public school.

hmm i see.


Let's review your answers:

1. The correct answer for how the Aztecs adapted to their environment is "using terracing and irrigation." This refers to their agricultural practices, where they built terraced fields and utilized irrigation systems to maximize the productivity of their farmland.

2. Regarding how the Aztecs became powerful, let's look at each option:

- "They allied with the Spanish." This answer is not accurate. The Aztecs existed before the arrival of the Spanish, so they couldn't have allied with them.

- "They conquered and enslaved many neighboring peoples." This answer is correct. The Aztecs expanded their empire through military conquests, subjugating and integrating nearby cultures.

- "They traded with Europeans for advanced weapons." This answer is not accurate. The Aztecs did have trade networks, but they did not trade with Europeans as they were not in contact with them until the arrival of the Spanish.

- "They isolated themselves from the other indigenous peoples." This answer is not accurate. The Aztecs formed alliances and engaged in both trade and warfare with neighboring indigenous peoples.

Therefore, the correct answer for how the Aztecs became powerful is "they conquered and enslaved many neighboring peoples."

I hope this clarifies your answers.

Both are wrong.

What does your text say?

lol sorry but i am so used to getting on this because i get on it to somewhat bust other students for cheating because i get so tired of those people getting perfect grades when they didn't even do the work