is 6m^2n^5 a monomial?

What degree is -x^4y^3 is?

The ^ is use to show the exponets

the degree is the sum of the exponents. So,

-x^4y^3 is degree 7

and yes, the 1st one is a monomial. polynomials have terms separated by + and - signs.

To determine if a term is a monomial, we must look at its structure. A monomial is a single term consisting of a constant and variables raised to non-negative integer exponents, all multiplied together.

In the term 6m^2n^5, we have a constant (6) multiplied by two variables (m and n) raised to exponents (2 and 5, respectively). This term satisfies the requirement of a monomial since it is a single term with variables raised to non-negative integer exponents. Therefore, 6m^2n^5 is a monomial.

To find the degree of a term, we need to combine all the exponents of the variables within that term.

In the term -x^4y^3, we have two variables (x and y) raised to exponents (4 and 3, respectively). To find the degree, we simply add the exponents together.

Degree = 4 + 3 = 7.

So, the degree of -x^4y^3 is 7.