What is partial variation explained in words?

y=kx....a direct variation

y=kx+3...a partial variation

that doesn't help i need it in words explainde.


Partial variation is a concept in mathematics that describes a relationship between two variables. It refers to a situation where one variable depends on or is influenced by another variable, but not in a consistent or constant manner.

In simple terms, partial variation means that when one variable changes, the other variable also changes, but not at a constant rate. This means that the relationship between the variables is not a straight line. For example, if you consider the relationship between the number of hours someone studies and their test scores, there may be partial variation. As the number of hours studied increases, the test scores might also increase, but not necessarily at a consistent rate. In some cases, studying a few extra hours may lead to a significant improvement in test scores, while in other cases, the improvement may not be as significant.

To identify partial variation, you can analyze the relationship between the variables by plotting them on a graph or by gathering a series of data points. If the points on the graph do not fall along a straight line, it indicates partial variation. Additionally, you can calculate the correlation coefficient between the variables. If the correlation coefficient is not 1 or -1, it suggests partial variation.

Ultimately, partial variation helps us understand the complex relationships between variables and highlights that changes in one variable may not always result in equal or proportional changes in another variable.