I'm having trouble with these problems, I'm not asking for just the answers, I need to know how to solve them, its a practice for my upcoming final, So I need to know how to do them.

Name the property of real numbers illustrated.

Simplify the expression.

Solve the formula for g

Solve the equation for x.

abc = (ab)c = (ab)c

in your list of properties, which one matches this pattern.

Simplify the expression.
= 2x/9 + 8 - 8
= 2x/9

Solve the formula for g
multiply both sides by 2
2s = gt^2
isolate the g by dividing both sides by t^2
2s/t^2 = g

Solve the equation for x.
I see a common factor
x(a+b) = c
isolate the x by dividing both sides by (a+b)
x = c/(a+b)

Thank You

Sure, I can help you with these problems and explain how to solve them.

1. Name the property of real numbers illustrated:
The property of real numbers illustrated in this problem is called the Associative Property of Multiplication. According to this property, when multiplying three or more numbers together, it does not matter how we group them. In this case, we have the expression (2√7)*√3. The property states that we can multiply √7 by √3 first and then multiply the result by 2, or we can multiply 2 by √7 first and then multiply the result by √3. Both approaches will give us the same result.

2. Simplify the expression:
To simplify the expression (2x/9 + 8) - 8, we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) and perform the necessary operations step by step.

First, simplify the expression within parentheses:
(2x/9 + 8) - 8 = 2x/9 + (8 - 8)

Next, simplify the subtraction within parentheses:
2x/9 + (0) = 2x/9

So, the simplified expression is 2x/9.

3. Solve the formula for g:
The given formula is s = 1/2gt^2, and we need to solve it for g.

To isolate g, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to get rid of the fraction:
2 * s = 2 * (1/2gt^2)
2s = gt^2

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by t^2 to isolate g:
(2s) / (t^2) = (gt^2) / (t^2)
2s / t^2 = g

So, the formula solved for g is g = 2s / t^2.

4. Solve the equation for x:
The equation given is ax + bx = c, and we need to solve it for x.

To isolate x, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor out x in each term on the left side of the equation:
x(a + b) = c

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by (a + b) to isolate x:
x(a + b) / (a + b) = c / (a + b)
x = c / (a + b)

So, the equation solved for x is x = c / (a + b).

These explanations should help you understand how to approach and solve these problems. Good luck with your upcoming final! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.