2. if m<1 = 53 degrees, what is m<4?

A. 53 degrees
B. 43 degrees
C. 37 degrees
D. 27 degrees

Help Me Please!!!! THX!!!!

wondering how m<4 and m<3 are related? Are they complementary angles?

To determine the measure of angle 4 (m<4), we need additional information about the angles in question. The given information is m<1 = 53 degrees. However, there is no direct relationship mentioned between angles 1 and 4.

To find the measure of angle 4, we need to look for any relevant information or relationships between angles in the given figure or problem statement. If there are no other given angles or relationships, it becomes challenging to determine the value of angle 4 without additional information.

Unfortunately, without any further information or context, it is not possible to determine the measure of angle 4 (m<4).

Therefore, the answer to the given question is indeterminable.