Which of the following is a trait?


eye color

skin color

curly hair

My answer is eye color

I just took the test the answer is curly hair

Correct! Eye color is a trait.

You are correct! Eye color is a trait. To determine which of the given options is a trait, we need to understand what a trait is. A trait refers to a characteristic or feature of an individual that can be inherited and is often influenced by genetic factors. It is a distinguishing quality that sets individuals apart from each other.

Now, to determine if each option is a trait, we need to assess if it meets the criteria mentioned above. Let's evaluate each option:

1. Height: Yes, height is a trait. It can be inherited and is influenced by genetic factors.
2. Eye color: Yes, eye color is a trait. It is determined by genetic factors and can also be inherited.
3. Skin color: Yes, skin color is a trait. It is influenced by genetic factors and can vary among individuals.
4. Curly hair: Yes, curly hair is a trait. It is determined by genetics and can be inherited.

Therefore, all the given options (height, eye color, skin color, curly hair) are traits.

I agree. Trait is a genetic characteristic. The others can be influenced by environments (tanning beds, food intake, and curling irons.)