This problem is going to reveal the first name of the offender.

Simplify the expression:

If the simplified expression is

, the first name of the culprit is Mandy.
If the simplified expression is

, the first name of the culprit is Lila.
If the simplified expression is

, the first name of the culprit is Ervin.
If the simplified expression is

, the first name of the culprit is Dean.
Select the first name of the culprit.





Can not see the expression

by (64⋅69/63)3

do you mean:
- (64⋅69/63)^3 ?
- (64⋅69/63)⋅3 ?
- (64⋅69/63)/3 ? , or some other combination?

in any case, none of them can be expressed as a power with base 6

the expression is (64⋅69/63)3

As I read that expression --

(64 - 6) * 3 = 174

As Reiny said, that cannot be expressed as a power with base 6.

To simplify the expression (64⋅69/63)^3, we need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS). PEMDAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

To simplify multiplication and division, we perform the operations from left to right.

Multiplying 64 by 69: 64 * 69 = 4416

Now, dividing the result by 63: 4416 / 63 = 70.2857

Now, we have (70.2857)^3.

To simplify raising a number to the power of 3, we multiply the number by itself three times: (70.2857)^3 = 70.2857 * 70.2857 * 70.2857 ≈ 346.865

Now, let's determine the first name of the culprit.

If the simplified expression is 6^16, the first name of the culprit is Mandy.
If the simplified expression is 6^18, the first name of the culprit is Lila.
If the simplified expression is 6^30, the first name of the culprit is Ervin.
If the simplified expression is 6^33, the first name of the culprit is Dean.

Since we have approximately 346.865 as the simplified expression, none of the given first names match with it.

Hence, none of the given options (Ervin, Mandy, Lila, Dean) is the first name of the culprit.