A gallon of water weighs 8 1/3 lb. How much does 1 1/5 gallon of water weigh?

this is just really confusing to me i need help plzz

You can solve it with a proportion.

1/(8 1/3) = (1 1/5)/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

x = (25/3) * (6/5)

x = 150/15

x = 10 pounds

thanks so much ms.sue for explaining it to me

What is the answer for the entire test?

Or, you could change the mixed numbers into improper fractions, then multiply, you would get 150/15. Then you would simplify. You would still get the same answer.


Lmao you got me in the first half

clearly, (8 1/3)(1 1/5) = (25/3)(6/5) = ...

You're welcome.

did anyone say if its right or not

Thank you ms. Sue!

It’s 10 Ib 🥰